COMPARING AND CONTRASTING LA NAVIDAD Y EL DÍA DE LOS REYES MAGOS presents a wonderful opportunity to teach about culture concretely, particularly because you can harness the power of graphic organizers such as a T Chart or a Venn Diagram to assist in your lesson. Here's how I present a simple comparison of these two holidays to my Kindergartners speaking 100% in Spanish with a teacher script and student responses in quotes and lesson actions in parenthesis- CHANGE 'MAINE' TO YOUR STATE. The primary goal of this lesson is to acquaint students with the key aspects of each holiday; essentially a fact building activity. The lesson lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.
PREP: I found a world map online in Spanish to project on my Smartboard, visuals of the various components of each holiday (Santa, Rudolph, Three Kings, camels, hay, etc), a visual of a famous character such as Peppa Pig or Mickey Mouse, a photo of me, and a photo of a friend from Spain (you could use a photo of someone from any country you chose, or download one off the internet using Google Images if you don't have a current photo of a friend), and 'Feliz navidad' by José Feliciano cued up for playing.
*THE LESSON: (I have the map projected on the Smartboard behind me)
TEACHER-"Ok niños, vamos a hablar sobre la navidad." (Hit play and play the first chorus of Feliz navidad, the portion in Spanish). -This establishes the topic of Christmas as many students are familiar with this song and know it in the context of Christmas.
TEACHER: "Celebramos la navidad aquí en Maine (point to your state on the map)...¿sí o no?"
TEACHER: "Y, aquí en Maine, ¿quién trae los regalos? ¿Papá Noel o Peppa Pig? (hold up a visual of wrapped presents to establish meaning for 'regalos' and then visuals of Papá Noel and Peppa Pig for the either/or question)
STUDENTS: "Papá Noel" (some will definitely respond in English with 'Santa Claus'- you can say "Sí, Papá Noel" to foster use of the Spanish name) Stick the visual of Papá Noel on the map near your state.
TEACHER: "Ahhh, y ¿con quién viene Papá Noel? ¿Con Mickey Mouse o Rodolfo?"
STUDENTS: "Rodolfo" (again, you may need to reinforce the Spanish as replacement for the English, that's ok!) Stick the visual of Rodolfo next to Papá Noel on the board.
TEACHER: "Hmmm, y ¿dónde pone Papá Noel los regalos? Debajo del árbol, ¿sí o no?"
STUDENTS: "Sí" (stick visual of Christmas tree on board with a present under it)
TEACHER: "¿Y en unos calcetines? ¿sí o no?"
STUDENTS: "Sí" (stick visual of stocking with present in it on board)
TEACHER: "Papá Noel tiene hambre" (make a circular motion over your stomach) ¿Le dejamos pizza? ¿sí o no?
TEACHER: "¿Le dejamos unos tacos?"
TEACHER: "¿Le dejamos unas galletas? ¿sí o no?"
STUDENTS: "¡Sí!" (stick picture of cookies on board
TEACHER: "y qué tal un vaso de leche? ¿sí o no?"
STUDENTS: "Sí" (stick picture of milk on board- you could go through this process for what we leave for reindeer also, such as carrots and/or reindeer food)
TEACHER: "Ok, así celebramos la navidad aquí en Maine. Papá Noel nos trae los regalos y Rodolfo le acompaña. Papá Noel pone los regalos en los calcetines y debajo del árbol. Le dejamos a Papá Noel unas galletas y un vaso de leche. ¿Sí o no?"
TEACHER: "Hmmm...pero en España no celebran así...Esta es mi amiga, Maite, en España (show photo of friend and point to Spain on the map, stick her photo next to Spain). Maite no está en Maine, está en España y Papá Noel no viene a la casa de mi amiga Maite. Rodolfo no viene a la casa de mi amiga Maite tampoco. (point to the visuals of Papá Noel and Rodolfo, say 'no' and shake your finger no to further establish meaning). En lugar de Papá Noel, vienen los Tres Reyes Magos. (put up visual of Three Kings next to photo). Y, los Tres Reyes Magos no son acompañados por Rodolfo, no. Hay tres camellos (point to the camels/put up a picture of camels). Los Tres Reyes Magos ponen los regalos en y alrededor de unos zapatos (put up a picture of a pair of kids shoes and presents in/next to them- you can mime the Three Kings putting the presents in the shoes). Y, los camellos tienen hambre, ¿no? (make the circular motion over your tummy)- para los camellos, los niños ponen paja o hierba y un poco de agua. (put up pictures of hay/grass and water next to the camels and mime them eating and drinking the water). Y ta-chán, así se celebra el Día de los Tres Reyes Magos en España."
I HOPE THIS GIVES YOU SOME IDEAS for presenting this cultural theme in the target language- Spanish!
GRAB OUR HOLIDAY COMPARISON PACK in our shop and make preparing for this lesson easy for yourself! You can get it here!
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