NOW, BEFORE you even head down this road, you should vet your potential activity. Ask yourself: Is this an activity which you can break down into multiple, concrete steps? Can each step be easily and succinctly stated? If the answer is yes, great! If the answer is no, time to reevaluate and either chuck the activity or consider it for a different level of learner.
BEFORE STARTING THE ACTIVITY, do a little prep- plan your steps, keeping them as concrete and direct as possible. I like to show the steps visually as well as share them verbally, so I created a set of illustrated instruction cards which I post on my whiteboard, using magnets on the back of them for easy moveability. These are very useful in a number of ways: they serve to reinforce what I am saying orally, they provide a reference for my students, and support kiddos who have challenges with multi-step instructions. As well, since I use them consistently across the entire K-4 continuum, my students are accustomed to them and the vocabulary. I also frequently prepare various examples of the activity in stages, so they can see what each step looks like. This also supports visually what I am saying verbally. You can grab our printable illustrated instruction cards here:
In English
ONWARD TO THE ACTIVITY! We want to keep this in the target language, so one huge tip, above and beyond the simple, direct instructions, is to go STEP BY STEP. By this I mean, you, as the teacher, state one instruction at a time, allowing kids to complete that step before moving on to the next one. Here's a collage and accompanying text underneath to illustrate what I mean.
AFTER STATING EACH OF THESE STEPS I stop, and the kids complete it before we head on to the next one.
PASO 1: Poner el nombre usando un lƔpiz. (I also put an 'Alto' sign underneath each step as we go so kids know not to go on to the next step)
PASO 2: Recortar los osos usando las tijeras.
PASO 3: Pegar los osos en los cuadros.
PASO 4: Colorear el primer oso. (Since each square indicates a different season, I break these down, too, into steps, one square at a time.) The first square says 'Este es el oso en la primavera.' I videoed myself giving the instructions for this square- the video can be found on our Youtube channel here (great still shot lol):
PASOS 5, 6, 7: Colorear el oso. (I do the same question and answer for each box as I did for the first one- in this activity I am not expecting them to read the text, but rather to comprehend it as I read it aloud.)
*A COUPLE OF NOTES regarding the above instructions:
-After giving each instruction (usually I repeat each 2-3 times) I circulate around the room being sure kiddos are doing what they need to be doing, redirecting or reminding those who need a little assistance (in the target language), referencing the illustrated instructions on the board, miming if necessary, etc.
-After I ask them to put their name on their paper, I do a 10-1 countdown, starting once I have handed out the last folder. They don't need loads of time to get this done, and this keeps the activity moving along. Depending on the activity, I might do the countdown again for certain steps if they are quick and simple ones.
INTERESTED in our 'Pepita y el oso' Activity Pack? You can find it in our shop here. And for our Illustrated Instruction Cards, click here!
ONWARD TO THE ACTIVITY! We want to keep this in the target language, so one huge tip, above and beyond the simple, direct instructions, is to go STEP BY STEP. By this I mean, you, as the teacher, state one instruction at a time, allowing kids to complete that step before moving on to the next one. Here's a collage and accompanying text underneath to illustrate what I mean.
AFTER STATING EACH OF THESE STEPS I stop, and the kids complete it before we head on to the next one.
PASO 1: Poner el nombre usando un lƔpiz. (I also put an 'Alto' sign underneath each step as we go so kids know not to go on to the next step)
PASO 2: Recortar los osos usando las tijeras.
PASO 3: Pegar los osos en los cuadros.
PASO 4: Colorear el primer oso. (Since each square indicates a different season, I break these down, too, into steps, one square at a time.) The first square says 'Este es el oso en la primavera.' I videoed myself giving the instructions for this square- the video can be found on our Youtube channel here (great still shot lol):
PASOS 5, 6, 7: Colorear el oso. (I do the same question and answer for each box as I did for the first one- in this activity I am not expecting them to read the text, but rather to comprehend it as I read it aloud.)
*A COUPLE OF NOTES regarding the above instructions:
-After giving each instruction (usually I repeat each 2-3 times) I circulate around the room being sure kiddos are doing what they need to be doing, redirecting or reminding those who need a little assistance (in the target language), referencing the illustrated instructions on the board, miming if necessary, etc.
-After I ask them to put their name on their paper, I do a 10-1 countdown, starting once I have handed out the last folder. They don't need loads of time to get this done, and this keeps the activity moving along. Depending on the activity, I might do the countdown again for certain steps if they are quick and simple ones.
INTERESTED in our 'Pepita y el oso' Activity Pack? You can find it in our shop here. And for our Illustrated Instruction Cards, click here!