Three, yes three!, books came out about plátanos, and they are all wonderful-bringing together family, tradition and yummy plátanos! I am also thrilled about how they feature Abuelas as an integral part of a child's life-I spent a lot of time when I was a kid with both of my grandmothers so this definitely strikes a chord with me.
*Plátanos go with everything written by Lissette Norman and illustrated by Sara Palacios
*Plátanos are love written by Alyssa Reynoso-Morris and illustrated by Mariyah Rahman
*The Secret of the Plátano written by Luz Maria Mack and illustrated by Stephany Mesa
*Ancient Night/ Noche Antigua written by David Bowles and illustrated by David Alvarez. This is a stunning interpretation of Nahuatl traditions featuring Opossum, the Moon, and more.
*Beauty Woke written by NoNieqa Ramos and illustrated by Paola Escobar is a fierce story about a little girl who pushes past the negative things said about her community to be truly herself.
*Tumble by Celia C. Pérez (@CeliaCPerez ). If you loved The First Secret of Punk, you will definitely enjoy this one!
*The Enchanted Life of Valentina MejÃa by Alexandra Alessandri- this book is incredible! Written by the same author as Isabel and her colores go to school, this middle grade book blends Colombian folklore, fantasy & adventure together, a must read!
another on my To-Read list is Lupe Wong Won't Dance by Donna Barba Higuera, author of La Cuentista.
*Invisible written by Christina Diaz Gonzalez and illustrated by Gabriela Epstein
*Frizzy written by Claribel A Ortega and illustrated by Rosa Bousamra tells the story of a tween girl coming to terms with her hair. My 4th graders cannot get enough of this book!
*¡¡Manu!! written and illustrated by Kelly Fernandez
*Monarca: A Novel written by Leopoldo Gout and illustrated by Eva Aridjis. This is not a traditional graphic novel; but is gorgeously illustrated. Telling the tale of a young girl who transforms into a monarch butterfly and begins the migration south to México, this book is in parts coming of age, fantasy, and environmental activism-I loved it!
I’ve added this section in after reading some incredible books that deserved to be shared!
*The Making of Yolanda la Bruja by Lorraine Avila is a powerful, can’t put down book that speaks to racism, school gun violence, friendships, and what we do, and don’t do, in difficult situations. I read it cover to cover in one go!
*Lobizona by Romina Garber. I read this last summer along with the sequel, Cazadora, and let me tell you, they are fantastic! Set between two worlds that mirror Argentina, this is the tale of werewolves, magic, and the bonds we have with one another, community, and society. Excellent!